We had some of our Flagstaff friends, who are rock climbers, visiting the City of Rocks National Preserve this week. We drove out to it yesterday to try to meet up with them. We were driving around a remote part of the park looking for our friends when our radiator hose cracked, causing the serpentine belt to come off. The car was undriveable, it was 90+ degrees outside and we had all three boys with us! I got my cell phone out knowing there was probably not going to be service, but there were two bars on it! I was able to contact one of our rock climbing friends, but it turned out they had left early and were back in Flagstaff already. Our friend, Terry, had stayed in Idaho to visit with some of his family in Burley (a town about 30 miles away), so I got his number and Gordon was able to contact him. He was a life saver and came back out to rescue us. Gordon and Terry worked on the car for awhile, but they didn't have the tools or hose they needed to fix it. We all piled in Terry's truck and he gave us a ride to Burley where my dad and sister picked us up and drove us home. God was definitely looking out for us because the spot where we broke down was probably the only place in a 20 mile radius that had cell service, and on a whim I had packed our pop-up shade and extra water. We were grateful for the shade and water because we were stranded for four hours and it was very hot outside! Oh, and we also were by some port-a-potties! The boys were so good and were little troopers! There were two little chipmunks running around who were interested in what we were doing. I threw a Teddy Graham on the ground and one of them came over and snatched it up. He kept coming back for more and after about 15 minutes, he was taking them out of my hand! They were good entertainment and helped the time pass faster. We are grateful to God, our friend, Terry, and my dad and sister for helping us out. I cringe to think what could have happened if we hadn't been able to contact anyone!!