Austin couldn't stand to just sit in the stands, he had to sit with his big brother and feel like he was a part of the action!

Preston also had his Kindergarten graduation. It was such a sweet ceremony! The kids sang several songs and then each one walked across the stage to receive their diploma. I taught kindergarten, so it was hard to not get too emotional about Preston graduating because I had to get up on stage and announce the students in my class right after he went. Preston's teacher was Mrs. Ahrens and she was amazing! She was so creative and had so much energy! Preston loved her and loved every minute of Kindergarten. I loved that his classroom was right across from mine. If he accomplished something special or made something cool, he would dash across the hall and show me. Gordon took this picture of Preston with Mrs. Ahrens on his cell phone, so it's a bit blurry.

This is a picture of me with my class. They were such a sweet group of kids! Kindergarten was definitely an adventure after teaching at the secondary level for four years. I was exhausted when I got home everyday and I only taught for half the day! It was fun though!
Jackson graduated from preschool. We didn't know that they were doing a graduation ceremony, his teachers told us it was a carnival. Gordon took Jackson to it, but didn't have a camera, so he got this picture with his cell phone. Jackson had a great year and just blossomed! His teachers loved him and always commented on what a great boy he is. He was very excited to get his diploma. He told Gordon, "look my teachers gave me a message!" Yes, this is the last week of May and he's wearing his parka. It was freezing the last week of school! It felt so silly wishing my students a happy summer when they were walking off wearing their winter jackets!

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